What is the NFC tag?

The tag on your garment is part of our Connected Dot technology.
The Connected Dot is a design element inspired by the ear tag our sheep would typically wear and is made of EcoPAXX which is a carbon-neutral bioplastic made of castor beans.
It uses Near Field Communication (NFC) to take you to a far, far field somewhere in New Zealand, perhaps Lake Hawea, where a sheep is roaming about enjoying themselves. This is where the wool from your jumper comes from.
The Connected Dot can also tell you exactly how your individual knit was made, and how much carbon was produced at every step. We started to add them to clothes, to help people connect the dots on where our clothes really come from.
Hover your phone over the top (or scan the QR code), and go on a micro adventure.
For more information on how to use the Connected Dot, visit this page here.
For peace of mind - the NFC tags are not trackable, which means there is no risk involved as data cannot be received from the tags.