I need help with stain removal

Depending on what type of stain you have on your knit, we might be able to help.
The first method you can try is to spot-treat the garment with liquid dish detergent, one that may be good to help with grease for a little extra strength.
Next, you can try soaking a cloth in a solution of wool-friendly laundry detergent and tepid water, and then dab the stain with this cloth. Once that step is done, blot the stain with an absorbent cloth or towel to soak up any excess liquid.
If the stain is difficult to get out, you can try the above method but instead of a solution of wool-friendly detergent and tepid water, use white spirit instead.
A fourth option is to make a mix of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 cup of tepid water. Soak a lint-free cloth in the solution and lightly dab the stained area. Press gently with an absorbent cloth.
Last but not least, you can try finding a wool-friendly stain-fighting spray or remover from a local shop and follow the instructions on the label.
If you have no luck, Our Care Guarantee covers a lot of bases in case anything needs putting right again with your sweater.